Become Chapter Director with Mind Matrix affiliated to ICTA

Would you like to be a Wellness Entrepreneur and be associated with one of the most experienced Wellness Organizations in India, and also be a part of the $3.7 Trillion market growing at 10.6% per annum? Make a significant difference to the Mind – Body Wellness Industry.

  • Every single day, millions of people around the world take a look at their life and wish it could be different.
  • They wish they could find a way to be happier, more successful, and more fulfilled.
    They wish they could heal their relationships, spend more time doing the things they truly love, and live their true purpose while leaving a lasting impact on the world.


Mind Matrix Wellness Studio is an Accredited ICTA Institute (International Coach & Trainer Association: Europe and Russia, which carries out professional NLP Training Programs based on different methods of personal development and transformation where we share common standards of professional teaching and are united by common coaching approach to transformation supervised by the NLP Master Trainer and the Founder of ICTA and Akasha Healing System: Jack Makani. The team is led by the Founding Chairperson – Kusum Gandhi Vig, Counseling Psychologist, NLP Trainer and Access Bars facilitator affiliated to ICTA (International Coach & Trainers Association) & American Psychological Association


Self Awareness to Self Actualization for Global Harmony


Empowering people to identify their innate abilities and maximize their performance to achieve excellence

Do you believe in our Vision and would like to collaborate with us in order to achieve our Mission through Transformational Coaching & Holistic Wellness?

What do we do?

We are the only organization that offers multiple wellness and personality development services under one roof: Biometric (DMIT) tests (to find out your inborn potential), and Psychometric tests Coaching, Counseling, and Therapy Sessions, Internationally accredited certifications for NLP trainings, Enneagram Trainings, ,and, Positive Parenting, Wellness Travel, and other various trainings for personal and professional excellence.

Who are the beneficiaries?

Students, Parents, Couples, Family, Individuals, Corporate Professionals, Teachers and Business Entrepreneurs, Organizations, Communities and Work places

WeCare for Mind – Body Wellness of Your Family

Mind – Body Wellness can be defined as a connection of mind, body & soul which can provide a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. Mind – Body wellness is defined by the World Health Organization as a state of wellbeing in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

Family is microcosm of the world. To change the family is to change the world. The renowned Family Therapist “Virginia Satir said “Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.”

What’s in it for you?


Partner with us, and be a part of the growing Trillion Dollar Wellness Industry


Increase your company visibility and presence in the Region


Have a free hand in creating plans and growing your business for a specific Region


Enhance your creativity for creating opportunities for people for their all-round well-being

Join successful wellness affiliates all over India

