Have you ever got stuck trying to get a solution where multiple possibilities existed, and you couldn’t decide? Have you felt stuck trying to resolve a conflicting situation between people where each of them just stuck to their views and refused to see from the other person’s perspective? In such situations, people usually look at the circumstances purely from their own perspective because they are totally associated with that viewpoint. Imagine what would it be like if you could experience the magic of changing perspective! You would be endowed with the ability to disassociate from the problem entirely and watch the situation unfold from a completely different standpoint, enabling you to act on the issue more effectively!
“You see what you want to see from your lens, but when you change the lens, you see a different perspective”
The ability to look at situations from a new lens is a very powerful tool used by high-achievers. Creative artists use the magic of changing perspective all the time. They have the ability to look at their art or painting from a completely different perspective. Good negotiators do this all the time – they are able to perceive what the customer is thinking and is looking for, and then position themselves accordingly. As do most great sports-persons who place themselves in their opponent’s shoes, analyze their moves, and outsmart them. In fact, even you, while preparing a customer-proposal, are required to put on the consumer’s hat and think of how to address their needs.

Picture Courtesy: Marc-Olivier Jodoin
This is the power of disassociation to view a situation from the other person’s perspective. Disassociation means, that you completely alienate yourself from your body and thoughts, and imagine being in the other person’s mind, to be able to get an understanding of their thought process.
Let us say; you have a conflicting argument with another person. Now, most conflicts occur because people hang on to their beliefs and values which they assume to be true. Hence, they’re unable to appreciate what the other person is trying to say. So how would it be if you are able to step into the other person’s mind, and be able to look at the same situation how they view it? This would then enable you to get a completely different perspective and be able to appreciate the other’s viewpoint.
This ability to view from different perspectives is so powerful that people attain breakthroughs into where the issue really lies, and are able to deal with it effectively.

This powerful NLP technique can be applied in many areas of our lives, such as –
- Resolving relationship issues or conflicts with people
- Solving problems – looking at the problem from different perspectives
- Preparing proposals or presentations for customers – be able to view how the customer is thinking
- Negotiations – what are the beliefs that the other person is carrying, and what is the data they could be gathering, what are their issues, their budget, what would be their approach
- Giving presentations at important meetings – sensing who the audience is and what are they looking for, and what kind of questions one can expect, and also what answers they would be satisfied with.
What this really does is that it puts you in a position of strength where you are well prepared to deal with people.
During the Success Coaching I provide, I have used these tools to help my clients gain different perspectives and clarity. A person having a relationship tussle with his wife was able to get a different perspective on how his wife viewed his coming home late and missing supper each day. A senior manager will severe relationship issues with her boss realized where she was going wrong and worked on changing her behavioral approach while interacting with him. During a group coaching exercise for a Sales team, they were able to understand their client’s concerns and probable questions that they were likely to encounter during their presentation and prepare themselves accordingly. And that’s why, trust me when I say, “changing perspective” is magical!

Picture Courtesy: Rohan Makhecha