In a day and age where Time Management has become a dire need, do you find yourself always looking to catch a breath? Before you demand time management tips let’s see if you can control Time. And the answer is…Yes!
Einstein’s theory of relativity states that time and space are not as constant as everyday life would suggest. He suggested that the only true constant, the speed of light, meant that time can run faster or slower depending on how high you are, and how fast you are traveling.
Now, consider this.
Imagine you are waiting for your flight departure at the airport, and there is an announcement made that the flight is delayed by 3 hours. You obviously are very annoyed to hear this, and you don’t know how to pass the time. So you move around and do some window-shopping, and take a bite, look at the airplanes taking off, and time passes ever so slowly.

The 3 hours appear like 10 hours!
Meanwhile, there is a co-passenger sitting near you who was also taking the same flight. When he hears the announcement, he promptly pulls out his 330-page novel and starts reading. He is oblivious of the surroundings and the time just flies past, for him. And before long, the 3 hours are up and he is ready to go.
So you have a case here, where time seemed to move very slowly for 1 person, whereas, it flew past for the other, and the time delay of 3 hours was the same. Did you ever think why? It’s because Time is relative. Now, if that is indeed true, can there not be a way to change your mental thoughts at that moment which will make you feel that the time flew past very fast?
Similarly, if you have to complete some work in a short period of time and time is pressing, can you not make those changes that will make the time go slow and you can complete more work in the given time?
Yes, indeed you can do that with some really simple mental techniques. If you’re tired of applying the various time management tips that are relayed to you, and in case you want to know how to apply these techniques, please write to me and I will be glad to send you the process to get instant results.
Time is relative; its only worth depends upon what we do as it is passing.
Albert Einstein
Also check out my latest blog: Chandrayan-2 Mission: Five Key Takeaways in Life and Leadership